At about 7pm I got showered up and changed and met up with the group at Trev. We hung out there until about 11pm when Zoe got off work and then we hopped in a taxi and headed to Toast. Toast is similar to Sugarhouse in that it is 2 main rooms that play different music, however the two styles for Toast are rock/metal and dance/house. There is also a neat little cellar-like room where people can play Nintendo or just hang out. The crowd for the evening was Urmie, Liam, Zoe, Neil, and another US student named Kyle. Here are some pictures:

Left to right: Neil, Kyle, Liam, and Urmie

Urmie, me, and Kyle. Not sure who the other guy is

Urmie and Kyle

Urmie, me, and Kyle
Toast was a lot of fun, but it was DAMN packed. We couldn't dance for more than 2 consecutive minutes without being shoved out of the way. We left Toast around 2:30am and caught a taxi as usual.
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